Meaning of (भ्रंश, भ्रंस) bhrnsa in english

As noun : degenerate
depraved bent Ex:  It is bent more and more about me, against me descend to fall Ex:  After the fall of the Mognolian Empire down Ex:  Eighty kilometers further down free fall stoop eradication destruction Ex:  He said specifically ordered the destruction of beetles by administering extinction Ex:  No award can only be made after the extinction of three fires devastation decay decimation loss Ex:  The largest single loss of Coalition forces happened on February 25 vandalism ruin Ex:  This wall is the belly, She bomb, threatens ruin leg it make off race Ex:  Such "arbitrary separation" by race break loose chase take flight hop it evasion leg Ex:  He limps because he has one leg shorter than the other retreat Ex:  A retreat run for it take to flight renunciation renouncement sacrifice Ex:  He gathered the fruit of his sacrifice abandonment Ex:  The Christian lives in a perfect abandonment to Providence, to the will of God desertion forsaking rid Ex:  I made him quickly rid the floor, I did strongly out beg left Ex:  On 10 October 1924, Pound left Paris permanently and moved to Rapallo, Italy. get Ex:  Tyler told him that Kilroe "had sent him" to get Garvey. miss Ex:  Respects to miss that one has the aged unleash exclude yield transition Ex:  This transition can take 1–3 days. throw emit drop out kick cast Ex:  After hunting down most of the main cast by any means necessary cut out vomit set off divest park Ex:  His birthplace in Oakville dedicated a park in his honor in 1996 fall out leave Ex:  Mabel whispered, "Don't leave me". set Ex:  Molecules are typically a set of atoms bound together by covalent bonds plant Ex:  A hothouse plant grow out of reel out shoot pack in run off together walk away from fall away pump out drive off slip push along empty Ex:  OPENING still means a state something that is open, empty space in what is otherwise continuous run away together change Ex:  The change in Haydn's approach was important in the history of music desert Ex:  Antarctica is considered a desert
As verb : fall down stampede escape Ex:  Although details should escape fly Ex:  Ask a fly take off run away shirk clear out clear off shrink from relieve come down
As adjective : corrupt Ex:  By extension, his work reveals a corrupt soul putrid adulterous
Suggested : curved crooked to make morally bad or evil vitiate corrupt in a state of foul decay or decomposition, as animal or vegetable matter rotten guilty of dishonest practices, as bribery lacking integrity crooked to fall below a normal or desirable level in physical, mental, or moral qualities deteriorate
Exampleभ्रंश, भ्रंस का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(भ्रंश, भ्रंस) bhrnsa can be used as noun, verb, adjective or intransitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 12 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : bhr.nsha, bhr.nsa

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